Help Jana Uddhar School Students Master Math

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Jana Uddhar School Fundraiser-feat image

Please click here or on the image above to donate to the salary of a Math Teacher at Jana Uddhar School, a school managed by my mate Pete Pattisson.

The school has made remarkable progress since Pete and the team took over. Some of you may also remember their fundraising drive last winter which contributed greatly. (You can find details and links to blog posts detailing the improvements in Help Launch Nepal’s First Collaborative School blog post.)

Since returning from the US towards the end of April, I have also been investing in Jana Uddhar School. I volunteer there and work with the science teachers.

I have seen first-hand the effort, work and time that has gone into the school to improve the school culture and teaching practices, some of which are also detailed in this fundraiser page. However, if the school is not able to retain good teachers, it will be difficult to continue to improve on their teaching practices and improve on the learning outcomes of the students.

This fundraiser is to keep their math teacher. For those of you abroad, a 2K Pound Sterling a year as a salary for a teacher is not much. It’s not much in Nepal either but even that is too much for a government (public) school to afford.

If you are able to contribute or share the fundraiser page, it will be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.


August 30 Update

So much has already been donated that the drive has raised over 3800 pound sterling, twice the target, 5 days before the end of the campaign!

Thanks everyone!



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