Movember 2015: Growing Solo

READING TIME: 2 minutes

Movember 2015 8494-resizedMovember in the US of A…here I come!

When in the fall of 2013, I tried in vein to get friends to join me in this activity, I decided that I would go it alone, that I would grow solo.

For those of you who don’t know what Movember is, it’s when men grow their mustache/moustache (mo) for the entire month of November and donate money at the end of the month to a charity in order to raise awareness about men’s health. You can find more about it here and here.

If you are interested in joining others in the US sign up here.

I am pretty clean shaven as you can see above (on Santa Monica Beach in Los Angeles). For the next month, I shall periodically post photos of the progress of the growth of my mo. At the end of the month, I shall be donating some money to the Nepal UWC Scholarship fund just as I have done in the past.

Are you doing Movember? Interested in sharing your story or photo? Please feel free to do so!

November 15 update

Almost three months into the protests, Madhes protests in Nepal have made little progress. The government of Prime Minister Oli still does not appear to be doing much.

A #KTMwithMadhes has begun on social media and I thought I would dedicate this Movember update to that.

Movember 2015 Nov 14 look 8591-small

November 30 Update

I started growing solo in Santa Monica, as you can see from the photo at the top. And then the November 15 update above was taken in Long Beach, Los Angeles.

Here is the final result, taken in Boston, MA, where, unlike in California, it’s a little cold and hence the attire!

Movember final update Boston 598-final

If today’s press release warning by UNICEF is to be believed, more than three million Nepalese children below 5 “are at risk of death or disease during the harsh winter months due to a severe shortage of fuel, food, medicines and vaccines.”

So, even though I started Movember committing myself to donating to Nepal UWC Scholarship fund, I have changed my mind and am donating (GBP35) instead to my mate Pete Pattisson and buddy Sakar Pudasaini’s initiative to Help Launch Nepal’s First Collaborative School!

donation receipt


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