2016 UWC Scholarship Applications

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The selection for next year’s cohorts of Nepalese UWC students is taking place earlier than usual.

The application forms for the two-year studies at one of the fourteen UWC’s around the world is now available. Click here for the English version, and here for the Nepalese version of the application forms. Or, click here for more including a calendar.

The deadline is October 12, 2015. The selection process will be completed by December 2015.

While two years ago we had just some offers, last year we had more than fifteen. This year too, we have fifteen offers, at least four of which are available for students from low socio-economic backgrounds. In other words, at least a few are offers which could be up to 100% scholarships (probably excluding travel and pocket money).

Unfortunately, being the US, I will not be involved in the process at all. I would have enjoyed doing outreach work as well as being part of the selection committee!

I won’t be involved in the fundraising drive either for a number of reasons. Firstly, I am in the US. Secondly, my fundraising priority now is for earthquake-related work COMMITTED is doing following. And thirdly, given the low level of success with the last one, I don’t know how worthwhile it will all be were I to do it again. If interested in donating, please do so directly to the committee.

As much as I would like to help out, I can’t do much this time around.

However, if you know of driven, motivated youngsters who would benefit from this incredible opportunity, please pass on the information.



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