In the years I worked as an international teacher, I spent a lot of my time in the expat bubble. The colleagues I worked with, and the friends I made, were from all over the world, mostly from the English-speaking countries. And as such, I would take part in their activities and events, some of which they themselves had introduced in the host country.
Movember (or Grovember in some places) is one of them. The activity involves men growing mustaches in the month of November to raise awareness about men’s health and to raise funds for a charity. (Click here for more.) (Another one of such activities was ultimate frisbee which I played in a number of different countries including Malawi, Azerbaijan and Qatar.)
Having participated in it when I was working at Qatar Academy, I thought I would introduce it to my Nepalese friends. In October 2013, I private messaged a number of them on Facebook to see if there would be any takers.
However, not getting any response from anyone either way, I abandoned it completely. (See images below.)

So, this year I am growing solo…to show my solidarity with my international friends around the world engaged in this activity and those suffering from health problems.

At the end of November 2013, I offered to pay the application fees of the first five UWC scholarship applicants who couldn’t afford it. I haven’t decided what I will contribute towards this time around.
Be sure to visit again for an update on the growth and who or what I have decided to give to!
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December 14 Update
I travelled to Hong Kong on November 27 to attend a gathering of the regional UWC National Committees and to visit some friends. I spent two weeks in the city. While there, my blog went down and was inaccessible for some strange reason! So, I wasn’t able to update this page at the end of November!
So, here it is, my mo at the end of the month:

My contribution this time will be Rs. 5000 (five thousand rupees) to the Nepal UWC Scholarship fund. (If you follow the link, you’ll have to scroll to the bottom the post to see the entry).