Tibetan-Buddhist Nun Recommends ‘Charming’ a Snake by a Hindu Priest

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nagpuja cropped 75pxWhat religion has a Buddhist nun recommend a small ceremonial worship of a Nag deuta (snake god) at Budhanilkantha performed by a (high caste) Hindu priest? (Budhanilkantha is the seat of the reclining stone statue of Lord Bishnu–Hindu Deity of creation–surrounded and sheltered by numerous stone snakes, therefore sacred to Hindus.)

My kind of “religion”!

That’s just what I had a priest do for me, for good luck, the morning of Monday, Sept. 15, 2014, as per a nun’s suggestion!

I’ll engage in and endorse any and all “religious” activities as long as it does not bring harm, or suffering — any kind of suffering — to, or inconveniences, others, or does not limit, or take away, the rights of another to engage in their own, and, equally importantly, does NOT pass judgement on their religious activities and, thereby, does NOT condemn their activities or them!

To me, rituals and ceremonies are but one of the many ways of expressing a spiritual belief.

More importantly though, spirituality is a duty to one’s own self.

It’s got nothing to do with what others say or don’t say; what others do or don’t do; what others think or don’t think.

It’s got everything to do with one’s own thoughts and actions, which feeds one’s own soul/atman/spirit/essence of being, or whatever one wishes to call that which binds one to every single one of the rest of humanity.

Recognizing that, for me, another way of expressing my own spiritual belief is through the practice of compassion!

What do you believe in and why? Please feel free to share!

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  1. AN Mali

    Compare this with other religions in which the priests say I am right, the other guy is wrong!

    1. Dorje


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