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Shivapuri National Park on the perimeter of Kathmandu Valley increased the entry fee for mountain bikers to Rs. 1000 (a little more than US$10), considerably more than for other vehicles, such as motorcycles, cars, trucks etc. The justification, according to that The Himalayan article, was that they pose a threat to the biodiversity of the park.

Yesterday morning, mountain bikers of different backgrounds and ages converged on the gates of the park to display their displeasure at the decision of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks.

I was one of them, though I must admit I had to drag my bicycle up the last km of the road! It was a little steep.

Signatures were collected on pieces of papers and on a canvas banner as well. I hope the different associations of bikers in the valley takes this further!

A number of the bikers in front of the gate.
A number of the bikers in front of the gate.
"Stop this nonsence [sic]"
“Stop this nonsence [sic]”
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