We crossed the tipping point on June 25, with ten more days to go. Over the course of the remaining days, almost ten thousand was added to the contribution! The contributions averaged an impressive 1K per day!!
Here’s the how it looked in the end.
Fig. 1. Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status as of the morning of July 1.
I have these backers to thank for their pledges:
- Jessica Roff, a friend from my Grinnell years.
- Michael H. Adolfae
- Manaslu Gurung, a friend from SMS.
- Henry Throop, a Grinnell classmates who’s donated for a second time!
- Kristine Kay Johnson, a UWCAD friend who’s donated for a second time!
- Kerry Anderson, a friend from my days at AIS.
- Mike McKay, a Lilongwe Ultimate Frisbee friend and a Salsa student!
- Swarnim Ranjitkar
- Carlee and Joe Aholfae
- Janet Wilson
- Marianna Sciarrotta, another UWCAD friend.
- Sarah Casssell, a friend from my years at TISA.
- Kathy Epp
- Sushil Bogati, another STX classmate and friend.
- Alex Catallo
- Berverley Stubbs, another one of the QA crowd.
- Anuschka Alvarez, a dear classmate and friend from UWCAD.
- Aaron Kelly, the big man from my years at BMIS and host in Thailand.
- Tascha (Alvarez von Gustedt?)
- Lizzie Knight, my mate Tommy’s mom who’s donated for a third time.
- Donald R. Wilson, another QA crew.
- Linda Costantini, the parent of a student of mine from my years at BMIS who donated twice over this period.
- Binod Pant
- Jessica Goodman Goldman, another Grinnellian.
- Fernando Perez
- Jessica Fisher, a fellow traveller and dancer in Tbilisi, Georgia.
- Valerie Cazeaud
- Sabina Pradhan, another one of SMS crowd.
- Jody Smith, a fellow blogger Down Under.
- Natalya Marquand, a friend from my years at TISA.
- Lora Findlay, a visitor to Malawi during my time at BMIS.
- Bhups
- The Kaossilators (aka The Kaoss Kids), a band of mates in Doha from QA.
- June Sargent
- Stephanie Margherio, my friend from my days in Malawi.
- Anne Nelson, another Grinnellian.
- Graeme Anshaw
- Viken Wetlesen, a fellow traveller in Sri Lanka.
- Harry and Margaret Deelman, my Associates.
- Tatsuaki Katsuki, a dear friend and classmates from my years at UWCAD.
- Martin Croft, a fellow Baku Evil Eyes.
- Olga Jensen, my dear friend Jeremy’s mom.
- Courtney Fay, another QA crew.
- Jessica Powley Hayden, a fellow Baku Eyes.
- Christina Allen, my dear friend from both BMIS and Doha, Qatar years.
- Leah Sheila Tremayne
- Christine Strater, from my years in Lilongwe, Malawi.
- Meredith Hedrick, another QA crew.
- Melissa Cochrane, another QA crew.
- Martin Gough, from my years at BMIS.
- Anonymous 10x
Once gain, please let me know if I have failed to describe or, worse, mislabeled my connection to you. I would be more than happy to correct it.
If you remember, I had a challenge! It turns out, 48 people pledged between June 25 and the final hour of the campaign. So, I will be donating Rupees 2400 in Chotu’s name to the Nepal campaign.
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