Qatar…From Afar: The Timeline

READING TIME: 3 minutes

A little over two months ago, a minor incident in the cafeteria with a few students set in motion a chain of events.

I was working at Qatar Academy in Doha, Qatar, at the time. Following that incident, not only did I lose my job, I was jailed for 12 days. I would have been incarcerated for much longer had friends, former students and others around the world not launched a massive international campaign to secure my freedom.

The series of posts headed “Qatar…From Afar” will detail different aspects of the events.

To be sure, there is a lot to be said about the events, but, to put the record straight to begin with, I thought I would start with the timeline. (Pretty much all media reports got this wrong.)

Monday, April 15Sit-down conversation with the students in the cafeteria during lunch break. [Read Qatar…From Afar: The (Un)expected for details.]
Tuesday, April 16The incident takes place in the cafeteria during lunch break. [Read Qatar…From Afar: The (Un)expected for details.]
Wednesday, April 17First meeting with the administrators (principal and vice-principal) and informed that parents had filed complaints, directly with the director, alleging that I had insulted Islam.Asked to file my version of the incident. [Read Qatar…From Afar: The (Un)expected and Qatar…From Afar: Uncomfortable Questions IV for details.]
Thursday, April 18Filed my version of the incident, followed by yet another meeting with the administrators in the morning.At the end of the meeting asked to go home until further notice. [Read Qatar…From Afar: The (Un)expected and Qatar…From Afar: Uncomfortable Questions IV for details.]
Sunday, April 21Asked to come in to school at 1:30 pm for the first meeting with the director (in the presence of the principal).Informed of the school’s decision to recommend the board for dismissal.Informed of loss of five-month equivalent of salary. [Read Qatar…From Afar: The (Un)expected for details.]
Thursday, April 25Second meeting with director and another administrator.Informed of the board’s decision for dismissal.In consultation with the Director and the administrator, preparation for departure begun and the flight date set for Friday, May 3. [Read Qatar…From Afar: The (Un)expected for details.]
Tuesday, April 30Informed exit visa and the necessary paperwork for departure, supposed to have been ready by 1 pm, was not ready. [Read Qatar…From Afar: The (Un)expected and Qatar…From Afar: Uncomfortable Questions II for details.]
Wednesday, May 1Around 9:30 am, call received from Al Rayyan police station “Captain.”Approximately hour-long interrogation at the police station ends at 12:20. Left alone in the interrogation room (with electronic locks) until 3:00 pm and then, after surrendering everything in my possession, including my belt, remanded in custody for allegedly insulting Islam. [Read Qatar…From Afar: Mayday Mayday May Day and Qatar…From Afar: Uncomfortable Questions III for details.]
Thursday, May 2Taken down to Public Prosecution’s office in hand cuffs. [Read Qatar…From Afar: 121212 for details.]
Sunday, May 5Second trip to the Public Prosecution’s office, again in hand cuffs.Court date set for Thursday, May 9. Informed for the first time could spend 5 years in prison. [Read Qatar…From Afar: 121212 and Qatar…From Afar: Long Flight To Freedom for details.]
Thursday, May 9First court appearance.Informed of Doha News coverage of the incident.Given 2 weeks before the next court appearance. [Read Qatar…From Afar: 121212 for details.]
Sunday, May 12Released from police custody in the afternoon. [Read Qatar…From Afar: 121212 for details.]
Monday, May 13Picked up “release papers,” then (exchanged it for) exit visa and passport in the morning. Departed for Kathmandu, Nepal in the afternoon. [Read Qatar…From Afar: AutopilotQatar…From Afar: The Last Hour and Qatar…From Afar: Long Flight To Freedom for details.]

April 27, 2020 Update

The blog post was updated with links to blog posts where details of that event can be found (every single one of which were published AFTER this blog post).

* * * * * * * *

April 2024 Update

I was actually held in custody at Al Rayyan Police Station for the entire eleven nights and twelve days. When I was released, I had NOT been convicted of any crime. So, “jailed for allegedly insulting Islam” has been changed to “remanded in police custody for allegedly insulting Islam”, and “Released from prison” to “Released from police custody”.

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. nadiawilliams

    Dorje, I have been following both your ordeal in Quatar and your efforts since. In fact, I used your example to show my son something I am constantly telling him: you can always choose to use a negative experience to launch a positive action. Keep going, and best of luck with your efforts to improve education in Nepal. I also of course hope fervently that the increasing exposure of human rights abuses in places such as Qatar will build and build until it forces change.

    Take care.

    1. Dorje

      Dear Nadia, Thank you for your encouragement. I hope to make some difference to the lives of the next generation of Nepalese in spite of all the obstacles and hurdles of working in the country.

  2. mimi

    I am so sorry to hear this. I have been following this story, as my child goes to Primary School there and this year she has experienced bullying from the age of 8 from Qataris……they are not all the same, but the % of incidents like this at QA has always been too high. I am so glad you’re now in Nepal, however, very bad of QA not to give you the 5 remaining months of salary, even more after showing that these kids were bullying the professor. Absurd and very very unfair

    1. Dorje

      Dear Mimi, I am sorry to hear of you child’s troubles at QA. Here’s hoping that things will improve for her.

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