EdufreeNepal Campaign: Days 15-27

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Days 15-20

Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status

Fig. 1. Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status as of the morning of June 20.

I could have sworn I had posted this last week!! I even have recollections of what I wrote for a number of the backers. (Could I have dreamt them?!)

Anyway, I have these backers to thank for their pledges:

  1. Sarita Vaid, from my years in Azerbaijan.
  2. Monika Ranjitkar, yet another pledge!
  3. Alisa Greenwald Greenbacher, a classmate and friend from Grinnell.
  4. Liz Favret.
  5. Cindy Bagshaw, pledged by my friend Paula Boon on her behalf.
  6. Mateja Jamnik Bierman, another UWCAD friend.
  7. Nathalie Fetzer-Hoernig, a dear friend from my UWCAD years.
  8. Raman Mahout.
  9. Chris Eggert, a good friend and classmate from my years at Grinnell.
  10. Sanjeev Rana, another Xaverian classmate and good friend.
  11. Rakesh Karmacharya, another Xaverian classmate and good friend.
  12. Shenoa and BJ Garvey.
  13. Sally Crosson, from my years at Grinnell.
  14. Diwaker Thapa, from RCNUWC days.
  15. Henry Throop, a classmate and fellow scientist from Grinnell years.
  16. Ola Nilsson, from RCNUWC days.
  17. Debbie Gottschalk.
  18. Anil Shahi, another Xaverian and friend.
  19. Elizabeth Anne McLean, from my years in Malawi.
  20. Lorelei Loveridge, a friend from and colleague from my QA days.
  21. Arun Gopinathan.
  22. anonymous 7x

Days 21-27

Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status

Fig. 2. Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status as of the morning of June 22.

I have these backers to thank for their pledges:

  1. Barbara Graziosi, a UWCAD friend.
  2. David Fielke, another TISA crew.
  3. Nancy Taylor
  4. Sally
  5. Morgane Colleu, a relative of my dear friend Gwen.
  6. Morgan Robertson
  7. Patrick Mckie, a dear dear friend from my years at QA, who I have more than this pledge to thank for.
  8. Marlene Richter, another one from RCNUWC days.
  9. Elia Stupka, another one from UWCAD.
  10. Aime Helen
  11. Sam Liberto, a friend from QA.
  12. Marcus McNally, the Irish connection at QA.
  13. Jamie Favret
  14. Guro Steine Letting, another one from RCNUWC day.
  15. Wendy Vandaele, from UWC-USA years.
  16. Chinook McLean, from Malawi years.
  17. Tamor Basnyat, another Xaverian friend and classmate.
  18. Janet Verjovksky, a teacher from my UWCAD years.
  19. David McKnight, a friend from QA years.
  20. Noel and Jayne Boyd, one of the other two “Biker Boys” and his better half from my days at AIS.
  21. Stephen Heath, my nemesis in the Baku Evil Eyes gang in Azerbaijan.
  22. Lily Beaumont, a friend from both AIS days and recently QA as well.
  23. Daniel Genberg, another friend from UWCAD years.
  24. Jordan
  25. Julie Gard, another Grinnellian.
  26. Stuart Henderson, a generous soul who wanted to see his “redundancy money used wisely.”
  27. Dante Kairo Douglas
  28. Stephanie Gravelle, a friend from QA.
  29. Ujjwal
  30. Genevieve Margherio, my friend Steph’s sister.
  31. Dante Kairo Douglas
  32. Anonymous 4x

Once gain, please let me know if I have failed to describe or, worse, mislabeled my connection to you. I would be more than happy to correct it.

And we have just 9 more days! Let me see a push for the ultimate goal in the remaining days!

Thank you.

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