EdufreeNepal Campaign: Day 5

  • Post category:Projects
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Five days of campaigning completed, and we make steady progress towards our tipping point.

EduFreeNepal screen shot May 31 day 5 feat image

Fig. 1. Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status as of the morning of May 31.

The backers making it into the thank-you honor roll over the last 24 hour period are:

  1. Liza Edrich, a friend from Doha.
  2. Daniella Cintra Chaves.
  3. Gaute Strokkenes, a former student from my days at RCNUWC.
  4. Laura Pogue, a classmate and friend from my years at Grinnell.
  5. Swadhesh Sthrestha, a friend from Nepal.
  6. Andrej Bauer, a friend and classmate from my years at UWCAD.
  7. Anonymous 3x (I have removed the names of these donors from the original list respecting their wishes to remain anonymous.)

Once gain, please let me know if I have failed to describe or, worse, mislabeled my connection to you. I would be more than happy to correct it.

Thank you!



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