Five days of campaigning completed, and we make steady progress towards our tipping point.
Fig. 1. Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status as of the morning of May 31.
The backers making it into the thank-you honor roll over the last 24 hour period are:
- Liza Edrich, a friend from Doha.
- Daniella Cintra Chaves.
- Gaute Strokkenes, a former student from my days at RCNUWC.
- Laura Pogue, a classmate and friend from my years at Grinnell.
- Swadhesh Sthrestha, a friend from Nepal.
- Andrej Bauer, a friend and classmate from my years at UWCAD.
- Anonymous 3x (I have removed the names of these donors from the original list respecting their wishes to remain anonymous.)
Once gain, please let me know if I have failed to describe or, worse, mislabeled my connection to you. I would be more than happy to correct it.
Thank you!
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