EdufreeNepal Campaign: Day 3

  • Post category:Projects
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Day three was pretty exciting after day two. The campaign picked up considerably!!!

The amount pledged went from $5941 to $9961 ($4020) with the participation of 22 backers!

EduFreeNepal screen shot May 29 day 3 feat image

Fig. 1. Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status as of the morning of May 29.

And here are the 22 who deserve my thanks today:

  1. John Fuson, my James 3rd SA, freshmen year at Grinnell.
  2. Chad Stuchis, my buddy/classmate from Grinnell.
  3. Colleen Thomas, another friend from Grinnell.
  4. Jo Green, another colleague from TISA.
  5. Leny de Ruijter, another colleague from TISA.
  6. Rishav Suwal.
  7. Ben Bupendra Pradhan, my dear friend going all the way back to high school in Kathmandu, Nepal.
  8. Jesbin Baidya, another school friend going all the way back to primary school in Kathmandu, Nepal.
  9. Alessandra Sgobbi.
  10. Barbara Reynolds.
  11. Chris Mercer, another BMIS crew.
  12. Jeremy Jensen, my dear pool-shark friend from my days at BMIS and in Vietnam.
  13. Amanda Parrell Kaczmarek.
  14. Tom Knight, another of my mates from BMIS days.
  15. San Pradhan, a fellow Xaverian.
  16. Mariana Diaz, my dear dear friend from UWCAD days.
  17. L. Gurung.
  18. Susan Devay, another dear friend who is part of the BMIS crew.
  19. Emily Hurd.
  20. Aisling Whitfield Gray.
  21. Anonymous 2x. (I have removed the names of these donors from the original list respecting their wishes to remain anonymous.)

There you have it.

Once gain, please let me know if I have failed to describe or, worse, mislabeled my connection to you. I would be more than happy to correct it.

Thank you!


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