Teach, to learn;
learn, to teach!

I am a humanist, a one-time international Chemistry/Science teacher and a former social worker. I was born into a very poor Tibetan-Buddhist family in Nepal, what was then a Hindu Kingdom, and was NOT even expected to go to school.
But I grew up with a Jesuit education in Kathmandu, the capital city of the very conservative Hindu Kingdom and an international education in the catholic country of Italy. Following that, I had a liberal arts education the bastion of freedom and democracy (!), the United States of America, and my teacher training Down Under (Australia).
My choice of musical instrument is Australian (Didjeridoo), my choice of sports is American (ultimate frisbee), my choice of dance genre is Latin American (Merengue and Salsa), my choice of music is…from all over the world, and yet or maybe I should say, not surprisingly, I still have faith in the permanence and the power of change.
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The following is my Honorary Degree Acceptance speech delivered in front of a graduating class of about 400 undergraduates at Grinnell College in the Summer of 2014. The short (five-minute long) speech is about humanity and how, in the end, what really and truly matters is how one has treated others.
For more videos of, and write-ups about, presentations and speeches click here.
* Results based on 203 ratings; last updated March 7, 2020.
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