READING TIME: 8 minutes

The recent earthquake in Nepal has been devastating for the country.

The VDC of Thangpalkot, our project site, and its neighbors–Gunshakot, Bhotang and Thangpaldap–have been devastated.

Jayjeev, Executive Director of COMMITTED writes:

In Thangpalkot…of 600 plus homes only six are standing and 50 students have succumbed to the quake. All three schools within the district are in the rubbles. As we seek to provide relief, COMMITTED’s disaster response will be carried out in three distinct categories:

  1. Emergency Relief with the supply of tents, blankets, medicine, clothes, and dry packed food;
  2. Reconstruction of structures that assist in restoring services to the community (health posts, schools, libraries etc.); and
  3. Speeding up the service delivery of local bodies including education facilities.

Although relief material is an option, transportation of such goods to this area will make it very difficult. Air transporting the goods during the emergency period will be required as landslides have severely disrupted the roads. Moreover, a rapid response is needed as the upcoming monsoon is going to make even air transport very difficult in this mountainous region. There are limited options for helicopter landing. Therefore we request all willful donors to contribute funds to help us purchase, coordinate, transport and assist in providing relief to the victims in this general area.

As often happens, the rural populations, the most vulnerable, are always neglected. (Follow this link for more on that.) Given COMMITTED’s longstanding presence in and our relationships with the area we can assist them. We are determined to see that Thangpalkot and its neighbors are not neglected!

If you are interested in donating to our efforts, please do so my clicking on the button below.

donate button

  • The above link will take you to COMMITTED’s new PayPal donation page specifically created for this drive.
  • On this page you have the option of donating either through PayPal or through your credit card.
  • (Alternatively try this link and follow the instructions there if for some reason the above link doesn’t work.)

And for those who don’t have PayPal account or a credit card, send in your check to Community Members Interested (COMMITTED) at the following address:

(In the US)
Community Members Interested (COMMITTED)
205 Yoakum Parkway, Unit 807
Alexandria, VA 22304, USA

(In Nepal)
Community Members Interested (COMMITTED)
400/41 Kamaladi Road
GPO Box 2547
Kathmandu, Nepal

Please consider submitting matching gift request with your employer to double your support for this cause.

Need help with that?  Email:,
Phone:(734) 765-6024 (USA)

(NB: We are a tax-exempt non-profit organization under section 501-(C)(3) of the U.S. IRS Code and as such your donations are tax deductible.

Taxpayer identification Number: 20-091414)

Here’s an example of how we have used our funds in the past: 2013-14 Annual Report.

(Click here for links to all annual reports, from 2004 all the way to 2014 though now most of all that work COMMITTED has accomplished in Thangpalkot has come to naught.)

* * * * * * * *

April 30 Update

I received a few heartbreaking photos of Thangpalkot. Here’s a couple of them.

Thangpalkot after the quake 5
Thangpalkot after the quake. (Photo sent to me by a COMMITTED staff member.)


Thangpalkot after the quake.
Thangpalkot after the quake. A close up. (Photo sent to me by a COMMITTED staff member.)


Thangpalkot before the quake.
Thangpalkot before the quake. I took this photo in March 2014.

Donor Roll:

Total raised: US$71,992.22.

SN Date Time Donor Currency Amount
1 04/28/15 7:17:50 A dear friend who wishes to remain anonymous. USD 200
2 04/28/15 9:05:49 Peter Bonnalie, a friend from my time at Qatar Academy in Qatar. GBP 20
3 04/28/15 9:09:33 Anonymous GBP 20
4 04/28/15 10:47:44 USD 250
5 04/28/15 11:06:36 A friend who wishes to remain anonymous USD 250
6 04/28/15 11:11:00 EUR 75
7 04/28/15 11:11:55 EUR 75
8 04/28/15 12:35:29 USD 50
9 04/28/15 14:24:31 Anonymous. USD 100
10 04/28/15 14:34:01 EUR 500
11 04/28/15 19:45:59 A friend who wishes to remain anonymous. USD 50
12 04/28/15 19:47:13 USD 100
13 04/28/15 20:12:36 USD 100
14 04/28/15 22:26:47 Sumit Gupta USD 200
15 04/29/15 2:30:01 EUR 5
16 04/29/15 2:35:53 GBP 50
17 04/29/15 4:18:05 USD 50
18 04/29/15 6:23:56 JPY 10,000
19 04/29/15 6:27:53 GBP 50
20 04/29/15 12:03:40 USD 50
21 04/29/15 12:30:28 USD 100
22 04/29/15 12:46:32 USD 20
23 04/29/15 17:40:22 USD 100
24 04/29/15 18:50:37 USD 50
25 04/29/15 19:19:54 Friend of Committed. USD 300
26 04/30/15 6:11:55 USD 30
27 04/30/15 9:32:27 USD 25
28 04/30/15 11:12:23 USD 93
29 04/30/15 11:47:16 USD 100
30 04/30/15 12:26:19 USD 10
31 04/30/15 19:00:41 USD 200
32 04/30/15 20:58:10 USD 10
33 05/01/15 5:30:50 USD 25
34 05/01/15 5:45:17 USD 50
35 05/01/15 6:15:30 USD 25
36 05/01/15 8:17:37 USD 100
37 05/01/15 8:52:32 USD 80
38 05/01/15 15:06:37 USD 100
39 05/01/15 16:29:25 USD 100
40 05/01/15 23:40:41 USD 1,334
41 05/02/15 4:29:14 GBP 50
42 05/02/15 5:28:03 USD 25
43 05/02/15 6:05:33 USD 200
44 05/02/15 7:38:48 USD 150
45 05/02/15 10:28:40 USD 50
46 05/02/15 10:38:41 USD 20
47 05/02/15 13:08:55 USD 500
48 05/03/15 11:47:17 USD 100
49 05/03/15 13:13:18 USD 100
50 05/03/15 13:55:19 USD 100
51 05/03/15 20:17:03 USD 100
52 05/03/15 20:30:39 USD 200
53 05/03/15 21:12:03 USD 25
54 05/04/15 11:11:41 USD 50
55 05/04/15 18:57:50 Bridget Drury USD 150
56 05/05/15 7:05:08 sophie graven demaylder USD 500
57 05/05/15 8:03:15 Robin Fairchild USD 10
58 05/05/15 12:45:28 Maurizio Nadai USD 100
59 05/05/15 14:03:39 Maria Knops USD 100
60 05/05/15 17:10:39 Vicki Tracy USD 20
61 05/06/15 7:13:01 Oscar Rodriguez USD 50
62 05/06/15 10:17:49 Aldo Nally USD 100
63 05/06/15 18:35:53 BONECAT.COM USD 200
64 05/07/15 9:42:57 Michael Bowe USD 325
65 05/07/15 11:07:47 Harsh Satyapanthi USD 50
66 05/07/15 11:11:19 Harsh Satyapanthi USD 71
67 05/07/15 11:30:24 gabriela s de uribe USD 800
68 05/07/15 15:42:49 Todd Ackley USD 200
69 05/08/15 3:05:09 Santosh Shotemba USD 10
70 05/08/15 3:15:26 Sandeep Puri USD 200
71 05/08/15 12:27:03 Charles Gorugantula USD 50
72 05/09/15 21:59:10 Chris Holme USD 100
73 05/10/15 3:03:38 Alice H̦lder USD 100
74 05/10/15 8:56:31 Sereina Kuster USD 300
75 05/11/15 5:23:23 Linda Jenkins USD 75
76 05/11/15 7:14:22 Gaurav Singh USD 10
77 05/11/15 8:47:15 David Hellman USD 500
78 05/11/15 8:48:00 Kathrine B Bingham USD 25
79 05/11/15 12:34:03 Carlene O’Brien USD 100
80 05/11/15 19:44:38 Sameer Jaleel USD 100
81 05/12/15 8:23:46 Cianti Stewart-Reid USD 20
82 05/12/15 8:34:53 Ngoctram Nguyen USD 25
83 05/12/15 14:20:06 Stephen Umemoto USD 100
84 05/12/15 20:44:40 Lachlan Pye AUD 300
85 05/13/15 9:40:18 kathleen standard USD 20
86 05/14/15 9:42:38 Kathryn Krase USD 50
87 05/14/15 13:45:21 Svetlana Vaimel USD 60
88 05/14/15 15:05:09 Ivan Kristioglu USD 20
89 05/14/15 15:53:37 Ivan Kristioglu USD 13
90 05/14/15 18:32:19 Amy Petersen USD 100
91 05/14/15 22:38:55 Moon Siong Law USD 20
92 05/15/15 2:04:54 david rodbourne GBP 50
93 05/15/15 8:29:46 Rebecca Mann USD 200
94 05/15/15 10:35:22 Amy Downey USD 15
95 05/15/15 15:58:52 Liane and Robert Norman USD 500
96 05/16/15 19:29:56 William Mabon USD 1,000.00
97 05/17/15 5:01:34 margarita olshansky USD 50
98 05/17/15 6:47:49 Robin Rieske USD 100
99 05/17/15 15:00:15 julie Lubin USD 100
100 05/17/15 17:06:35 Laurel Paul USD 50
101 05/17/15 21:40:58 Jayalakshmi Velpuri USD 380
102 05/18/15 1:31:22 Sean Barry USD 750
103 05/18/15 5:18:58 Helen Slack USD 50
104 05/18/15 10:36:15 Robert A. Turnbull USD 15
105 05/18/15 12:49:58 Fung Wai Lun USD 250
106 05/18/15 13:54:54 Peggy Jackson USD 50
107 05/18/15 14:16:16 Lena Adely USD 50
108 05/18/15 16:16:06 Yvonne Forman USD 100
109 05/19/15 8:01:13 Saranna Flemming USD 1,258.37
110 05/19/15 11:02:27 Lisa Ableman USD 150
112 05/19/15 13:40:48 Marco Dalbosco EUR 200
113 05/19/15 14:10:24 Maros Kumancik USD 350
114 05/19/15 14:30:12 Brikena Samara USD 50
115 05/20/15 1:54:29 Chandani Thapa USD 50
116 05/20/15 3:13:52 Patrick Hounsell USD 600
117 05/20/15 4:06:44 So Yeon LIM USD 100
118 05/20/15 8:42:14 Joshua Steinlage USD 400
119 05/20/15 14:42:44 Thomas Wargo USD 380
120 05/21/15 1:22:50 Chris Holme USD 700
121 05/22/15 6:42:49 Kendra Mabon USD 50
122 05/23/15 10:02:00 erik oley USD 410
123 05/23/15 18:15:48 Timon Stasko USD 50
124 05/24/15 10:16:10 Kaustuv Ghotane USD 437.62
125 05/25/15 14:32:25 Michael Aaron USD 25
126 05/26/15 10:29:00 Tanya Barton USD 50
127 05/27/15 11:43:39 Aarati Pradhan USD 500
128 05/28/15 5:41:33 neema lama USD 100
129 05/28/15 7:29:31 Melissa Cochrane USD 50
130 05/29/15 6:38:59 Mohan Velpuri USD 80
131 05/29/15 11:31:33 Vahram Elagoz USD 50
132 05/29/15 15:35:44 Edward A Clark USD 108
133 05/30/15 23:07:03 Sean Barry USD 150
134 05/31/15 4:52:24 Rick Horas USD 100
135 05/31/15 7:48:12 JIT GURUNG USD 101
136 06/01/15 14:27:47 Nancy Condon USD 50
137 06/02/15 1:57:57 alex bloom USD 350
138 06/02/15 3:57:18 AMAC USD 20
139 06/02/15 12:53:32 Richard Yam USD 50
140 06/02/15 16:58:45 Daniel Krompholz USD 100
141 06/03/15 11:00:23 Roberto Fernandez Marco USD 1,620
142 06/04/15 10:08:09 Marisa Annunziata USD 50
143 06/08/15 3:05:40 Santosh Shotemba USD 10
144 06/09/15 8:08:12 Maressa Drake USD 20
145 06/12/15 6:33:21 David Cusick USD 30
146 06/15/15 2:02:54 david rodbourne GBP 50
147 06/16/15 13:20:48 Mauro Chwarts USD 100
148 06/17/15 9:21:02 Jillian Annunziata USD 50
149 06/17/15 15:07:08 Lianne Urada USD 50
150 06/18/15 0:40:29 Snezana Hasanovic USD 233
151 06/18/15 11:40:01 Daniel Klepacz USD 54
152 06/18/15 20:43:01 Rose Lorenz USD 300
153 06/19/15 6:31:31 Santosh Shotemba USD 100
154 6/27/2015 17:57:13 Ashok Das USD 300
155 6/29/2015 4:55:09 Raju Malghan USD 100
156 7/1/2015 19:00:12 Divita Mehta USD 610
157 7/2/2015 3:08:33 AMAC USD 20
158 7/7/2015 23:15:59 Brett Costin USD 90
159 7/8/2015 3:23:54 Santosh Shotemba USD 10
160 7/15/2015 2:04:09 david rodbourne GBP 50
161 7/18/2015 12:30:52 Arvind Shrestha USD 275
163 8/2/2015 3:33:00 AMAC USD 20
164 8/4/2015 9:09:00 Jessica Rokus USD 2000
165 8/8/2015 3:25:16 Santosh Shotemba USD 10
166 8/14/2015 9:51:26 Nayana Patel USD 100
167 8/15/2015 2:02:35 david rodbourne GBP 50
168 8/17/2015 3:00:59 Simona Jamnik USD 100
169 8/21/2015 6:23:39 Sankar Ramesh USD 1,312.00
170 9/2/2015 3:54:08 AMAC USD 20
171 9/8/2015 3:39:47 Santosh Shotemba USD 10
172 9/14/2015 6:18:21 Grete Verbist USD 470
173 9/15/2015 2:11:48 david rodbourne GBP 50
174 10/2/2015 3:18:44 AMAC USD 20
175 10/7/2015 5:49:18 Anna Mioni USD 30
176 10/8/2015 2:01:48 Santosh Shotemba USD 10
177 10/15/2015 2:13:53 david rodbourne GBP 50
178 10/27/2015 6:31:58 MetroStar Systems USD 1767.82
179 11/2/2015 3:37:53 AMAC USD 20
180 11/2/2015 12:30:28 Fabien Roque USD 50
181 11/8/2015 1:07:51 Santosh Shotemba USD 10
182 11/15/2015 2:16:35 david rodbourne GBP 50
183 11/23/2015 8:19:30 emily sams GBP 120
184 12/2/2015 3:37:22 AMAC USD 20

Other sources

SN Date Donor/form of donation
Currency Amount
1 5/1/15 Jonathan Saposhnik (through Network
for Good)
USD 100
2  5/4/15 James Battle (through Network for Good) USD 100
3  5/10/15 Karthik Iyer (through Network for Good)  USD 100
4  5/18/15 Nir Arad (through Network for Good) USD 50
5 5/19/15 Anonymous (through Network for Good)  USD 10
6  5/22/15 Fundraising campaign by Melissa
Cochrane in the UK (wire transfer)
USD 3112.04
7 Maya and BJ Gurung (cash) NPR 50,000
8  4/28/15 Eric and Karen Brachhausen  2012 Family
Trust (check)
USD 100
9  5/6/15 J. Kimura (check) USD 40
10  5/7/15 Johana Shah (check) USD 200
11  5/14/15 Fran Joersz (check) USD 200
12 06/02/15 Tulin Bakır Arslan (wire transfer) USD 1000
13 05/25/15 Jay Raj and Pam Shrestha (Check including the donations from donors 9-24.) USD 710
14 05/25/15 Maggi Moetell USD 100
15 05/25/15 Paul Kevorkian USD 50
16 05/25/15 Linae Kevorkian USD 200
17 05/25/15 Steve Beckey USD 1000
18 05/25/15 Sandhya Madasu USD 500
19 05/25/15 Haitao Wu USD 200
20 05/25/15 Alan Sotkes USD 50
21 05/25/15 Shujuan Li USD 100
22 05/25/15 Paul Lundquist USD 200
23 05/25/15 Dave Terry USD 50
24 05/25/15 Pam Illetschko USD 25
25 05/25/15 Kathy O’Connor USD 25
26 05/25/15 Peter Haugstad USD 100
27 05/25/15 Janet Jakobitz USD 50
28 05/25/15 Beth VonEschen USD 50
29 05/25/15 Becky Kellogg USD 100
30 06/09/15 International Spanish Language Academy (Check) USD 439
31 06/19/15 Irvington Middle School Student Council Co-Advisors (Check) USD 300
32 06/01/15 Sumit Gupta (Check) USD 200
33 06/17/15 VISA Matching Gift Program (Check) USD 25
34 07/02/15 Breeze Verdant USD 2030.00
35 06/23/15 Etnobeat Music Society EUR 2288.00
36 06/26/15 Christina and Dave GBP 1500.00
37 06/30/15 Main Street School USD 785.55
38 06/09/15 Maya, BJ and Friends NPR 50,000.00
39 05/20/15 Upaka, Adyet and David NPR 29,000.00
40 7/31/2015 NVIDIA – Employment Giving Program USD 500.00
41 12/1/2015 Alice Hoelder NPR 20000.00
42 12/1/2015 Carole Perez NPR 30000.00
43 10/28/2015 Greenville School Donation USD 2008.00
44 10/28/2015 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Matching Gifts Program USD 6000.00
45 12/7/2015 Nancy Davis (First Universalist Parish) USD 122.00
46 12/31/2015 M.A. Hekkers EUR 696.50
46 1/7/2016 Nepalese Association of Houston Inc USD 2108.00


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