Nepal UWC Scholarship Application for 2018

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Since its publication last July, the blog post Nepal UWC Scholarship Application for 2017 has received hits every single month, 24 being the lowest (see image below). This month, it’s already received over 350 hits!

Nepal UWC scholarship 2017 post hits

It’s been shared over 430 times as well! Apart from that, I, personally, have also received inquiries about when the application for 2018 would be opened as well as requests for help with preparing for it!

Judging from just that, I have concluded that interest in UWC Scholarships must have increased dramatically this past year. Blog posts about the same published in 2015 and 2016 received nowhere near the number of hits nor were they shared anywhere near as many times.

Realizing that, I thought I would publish this blog post now to inform those interested in applying, or interested in having someone you know apply, where we are with the process.

Members of the Selection Committee met yesterday evening to revise the application form and fix important dates. Once the application form is finalized, we shall make it available and publish the important dates as well.

In the mean time, you can do one of a couple of things:

  1. Check out the hugely popular blog post Nepal UWC Scholarship Application for 2017 for the criteria, if you don’t already know.
  2. Bookmark this blog post and return periodically for updates about the application form as well as for details of important dates.

What I am hoping for is that we will get more applicants this year than last year AND that we’ll get many more full scholarship offers.

What do you think?


Aug. 16, 2017 Update

The application forms are available. Click here for the English version of the application form. Link to the Nepali version will be added when it becomes available. [Aug. 30 Update: click here for the Nepali version.] The application form contains five parts all of which must be completed.

The deadline has been extended to September 20, 2017 (from the original 15). [Updated on September 14.]

Unsure of how to download the form? click here for instructions.

Completed applications can be either scanned and emailed (to or hard copies dropped off at COMMITTED’s office (at the reception) in Kamaladi Road including application fee or evidence of payment of fee or fee-waiver request letter.

COMMITTED location map
Click on the image for the original.

COMMITTED’s office is at the end of a narrow access street (black line in the above map). The “gate” to the access street is right across from a business called Capital De´cor.

If lost call 425-9759 and ask to speak to Sobha for directions. For any other UWC- or UWC Scholarship-related issue or question, please email or contact the UWC Nepal National Committee Coordinator at 9841268991.

COMMITTED’s office hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm. While we are open all day Fridays, we are NOT open Sundays.

Click here for more such as the UWC National Committee calendar.

And, a suggestion: keep a xerox (photo) copy of the completed application for your records.

Good luck!


10:21 am, October 16, 2017 Update

The first stage of screening has been completed. Those who have made it through to the second stage (October 28-29 at Ullens School) will have received email notification from The Coordinator. Those who didn’t include an email address in your application (because you don’t have one), you would have received a phone call. If you receive neither even within the next 48 hours or so, consider your application to have been unsuccessful.

Congratulations to all those who have made it through and good luck to the rest of you with your academic careers!

I look forward to meeting some of you in person and getting to know you a little better.

By the way, if you have any question, please ask The Coordinator, not someone like me who is just a volunteer in the Selection Committee. Scroll up for his phone number and UWC Nepal email address.


11:10 am, Nov. 1, 2017, Update

The second stage of the selection process was completed last weekend. Those who made it through will hear from the Coordinator either by email or phone. Congratulations to those who made it through and good luck to the rest with their academic careers.

The final stage will be held on November 12 at COMMITTED office (see above for location map), starting at 9:30 am.


2:03 pm, Nov. 30, 2017 Update

If you haven’t already realized, the selection process had ended and offers have already been made to the candidate who were successful. There were many more qualified and deserving candidates than we had offers for.

Congratulations to those who managed to secure scholarships and offers. Good luck to the rest with your academic careers!



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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Binaya rijal


  2. Priyam Sigdel

    Is the application form available for 2018?

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