Kathmandu Can…If and When it Wants

READING TIME: 2 minutes

I have argued again and again that one of the main problems with things not getting done in Nepal is not that we are unable to do them, rather that we WON’T do them! Authorities/people in the Metropolitan City of Kathmandu can indeed get things done…if and when they want to.

Kathmandu: Neighborhood Suffering from Stalled Roadworks? Here’s What You Can Do!, for example, is about how a road in Samakhusi was fixed within a week (after being ignored for three years)!

Here’s another example of quick action! Late Wednesday night I came across this in Sorakhutte.

fallen pole July 5 Sorakhutte V
A bus had just run into the pole and was dangerously protruding into the street making it a major safety hazard.

Here’s the same cable pole early yesterday morning, a little before ten.

fallen pole July 6 Sorakhutte III

The pole from across the street.

fallen pole July 6 Sorakhutte from across III

Yes, it is indeed dangerously protruding into the street, a street with pretty much a blind corner (see map below).

location of fallen pole
The star on Leknath Marg is where the pole is. Naya Bazaar Marg is an incline which, where it turns into Leknath Marg, is pretty much a blind corner.

Vehicles coming up the Naya Bazaar Marg incline, especially buses, rounding the corner, are greeted by a dangerous surprise! If it’s not clear from the photos, it’s too low for buses to pass from underneath. As a matter of fact, while taking those photos, I did notice public bus drivers getting a bit of a shock rounding the corner, breaking and maneuvering past it on the inside lane (left lane), instead of staying on their designated outside lane, and continuing on.

fallen pole July 6 Sorakhutte I

Less than forty-hours since the first time I came across the pole, this morning, a little after nine, not only had the pole been removed, I discovered even a new one in its place (see below)!

fallen pole July 7 Sorakhutte III

Kudos to whoever — realizing the major safety hazard the pole was — took care of it so promptly! I had visions of buses at night, in low traffic, zooming up Naya Bazaar Marg at high-speed, turning the corner and crashing right into it!

What do you think?



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