“To Be An Engineer”

READING TIME: < 1 minute

The Godavarian JI'86-feat imageOf late, I have been unpacking, and releasing into the light of day, parts of my life that have been boxed up and stored away for years!

One of the gems I discovered were the old issues of our high school magazine The Godavarian! The Jumbo Issue of 1986 contained the “Senior Biograhphies,” those of my classmates and mine. We completed our tenth grade that winter and took the SLC examination in January, 1987.

The biographies were interesting reading!

Here I present you, mine, written almost 30 years ago!

10th grade bio V2 75px

The (civil) engineer was so that I would be able to build roads, bridges and houses!

To get first honours, you had to have averaged above 80% in elementary school (1-6 grades) and above 75% in secondary school (7-10 grades). Std. (Standard) means grade!

If you are wondering what being “singled out” in Godavari, the primary school, was all about, you can read about it here.

What does your senior biography say?



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